Aesthetics Textbooks: From the Author's Perspective |
The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and NatureEmily Brady |
Living in an ArtworldNoël Carroll |
Mirrors to One Another: Emotion and Value in Jane Austen and David HumeEva Dadlez |
Aesthetics and NatureGlenn Parsons |
Film and Philosophy: Taking Movies SeriouslyDan Shaw |
The Art of TheaterJames Hamilton |
Thinking on ScreenThomas Wartenberg |
The Philosophy of ArtStephen Davies |
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of ArtRobert Stecker |
General Resources |
A Mathematician's Aesthetics (Collection of quotations about the aesthetics of mathematics) |
Aesthetics of Symmetry (A formula with examples of what makes certain symmetrical designs more pleasing than others) |
ArtiFAQ 2100 (Predict how art will influence our lives in the next hundred years... students use available data to make reasonable forecasts for the future) |
ArtLex (Dictionary of visual art) |
Beauty Matters (An exploration into the human creation of objects of beauty and the nature of beauty itself. Original articles on art, musical aesthetics, fashion, the culture of beauty) |
Bridge Aesthetics (CD-ROM to assist engineers with the aesthetic design of bridges) |
Cognitive Science and the Arts (Teaching resources in this groundbreaking field) |
Erratic Impact Philosophy Research Base - Aesthetics (Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base features thousands of annotated links, text resources and community services for students and teachers in the field of philosophy, including aesthetics) |
Hume's Essays on Aesthetics |
Introducing Philosophy Through Film (Henry John Pratt) |
Kendall Walton's theory of fiction (A film by Nils-Hennes Stear. Subtitled version) |
Museum of the Origins of Man (Teaching material including visual resources for teaching paleolithic art) |
PedagoNet (Learning resources search engine) |
Courses |
A Psychoanalytic Investigation of Aesthetics by Alexander Stein, New School University |
Aesthetics by John Brown |
Aesthetics by Dave Vessedy |
Aesthetics by William Buscher |
Aesthetics by Steven Crowell |
Aesthetics by David Clowney |
Aesthetics by Sacha Golob |
Aesthetics by Margaret Holland |
Aesthetics by Marcus Rossberg |
Aesthetics by Elmer H. DuncanBaylor University |
Aesthetics and Film by Edwin McCann |
Aesthetics & Critical Judgement by Andrew Swensen |
Aesthetics & The Arts by Dan Flory |
Aesthetics: Painting, Photography, and Film by Andreas Teuber |
Analytic Philosophy of Architecture by Saul Fisher, Mellon Foundation |
Art and Morality by A Graduate Seminar Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston |
Art and Subversion by Anna Ezekiel and Shiloh Whitney |
Art and the Mind Brain by Mark Rollins |
Epistemological Ontological and Ethical Issues in the Arts by James Young |
Feminist Aesthetics by Bradley Elicker, Rowan University |
Feminist Aesthetics by Beth Dobie, Alfred University |
Film and Philosophy by [Null] |
From Modernism to Postmodernism by Timothy Quigley, New School for Social Research |
Intro to Philosophy of Art by Catherine Homane |
Intro to Philosophy of Film by Catherine Homane |
Introduction to Philosophy of Art and Literature by James R. Hamilton, Kansas State University |
Introduction to Philosophy of Film by Rebecca Hansen |
Introduction to Philosophy Through Film by Michiru Nigatsu |
Introduction to the Philosohy of art by Timothy R. Quigley |
Introudctino to Philosophy Through Literature & Film by John Gibson |
Literature and Philosophy by Bob Corbett |
Philosophical Ideas in Film by Angela Harper |
Philosophy and Aesthetic Value by Heidi Beutow |
Philosophy and Film by Dan Flory |
Philosophy and Film by Ferit Guven |
Philosophy and Film by Casey Haskins |
Philosophy and Film by Whitley Kaufman |
Philosophy and Film by James Conant and Joel Snyder |
Philosophy and Film by Dennis Weiss |
Philosophy and Film by Bill Myers |
Philosophy and Film by Julie Ward |
Philosophy and Film by Matthew Slater |
Philosophy and Film by Leonard Kahn |
Philosophy and Film by Leigh M. Johnson |
Philosophy and Film by Casey Haskins, Purchase College SUNY |
Philosophy and Literary Art by Neil Langshaw |
Philosophy and Literary Art Forms by Karen Houle |
Philosophy and Literary Arts by Joseph Arel |
Philosophy and Literature by Susan Levin |
Philosophy and Literature by Marek Sojka |
Philosophy and Literature by Joshua Landy and Lanier Anderson |
Philosophy and Literature by John Holbo |
Philosophy and the Arts by Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston |
Philosophy and the Arts by Nahum Brown |
Philosophy and the Arts by Cyntha A. Freeland |
Philosophy Comedy and Film by Christine James |
Philosophy in Cinema by Mike Van Quickenborne |
Philosophy in Literature by Alexandru Radulescu |
Philosophy in Literature by Sara Bernstein |
Philosophy in Literature: Lord of the Rings and The Brothers Karamazov by Peter Kreeft |
Philosophy of Art by Joshua Johnston |
Philosophy of Art by Timothy Freeman |
Philosophy of Art by Angela Curran |
Philosophy of Art by Elisabeth Camp |
Philosophy of Art by William P. Seely |
Philosophy of Art by Don Dedrick |
Philosophy of Art by Jennifer Warriner |
Philosophy of Art by Yoko Arisaka |
Philosophy of Art by Stephen Hicks |
Philosophy of Art by Karl Clifton-Soderstrom |
Philosophy of Art by Julie van Camp, Cal State Lang Branch |
Philosophy of Art by Anja Jauernig |
Philosophy of Art by Charles Rodger |
Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics by Giovanna Borradori |
Philosophy of Art and Beauty by Julie Van Camp |
Philosophy of Art and Emotions by [Null] |
Philosophy of Art and Literature by [Null] |
Philosophy of Art/Aesthetics by William Irwin |
Philosophy of Arts by Mark Johnson |
Philosophy of Beauty by John Brown |
Philosophy of Film by Aaron Smuts |
Philosophy of Film by [Null] |
Philosophy of Film by Otavio Bueno |
Philosophy of Film by William Seely |
Philosophy of Film by Andrew Light |
Philosophy of LIterature by Heather Demarest |
Philosophy of Literature by Curtis Brown |
Philosophy of Literature by David Sidorsky |
Philosophy of the Arts by John Brown |
Philosophy of the Arts by Theodore Gracyk |
Philosophy Through Film by Don Callen |
Philosophy Through Film by Matt Dowd |
Philosophy Through Film by Travis Rieder |
PhilosophyFilmand Reflective Popular Culture by Mark Wrathall |
Philospohy of Art by Laura Newhart |
Phlosophy/Art History by Barry Allen |
Pictorial and Multimedia Aesthetics by Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam |
The Beautiful and the Sublime by Myles Brand and Peg Brand, Indiana University |
The Philosophy and Literary Form by Kristin Boyce |
What is Beauty by Andy Amato |