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Aesthetics Teaching Resources

Aesthetics Textbooks: From the Author's Perspective

The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and NatureEmily Brady
Living in an ArtworldNoël Carroll
Mirrors to One Another: Emotion and Value in Jane Austen and David HumeEva Dadlez
Aesthetics and NatureGlenn Parsons
Film and Philosophy: Taking Movies SeriouslyDan Shaw
The Art of TheaterJames Hamilton
Thinking on ScreenThomas Wartenberg
The Philosophy of ArtStephen Davies
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of ArtRobert Stecker

General Resources

A Mathematician's Aesthetics (Collection of quotations about the aesthetics of mathematics)
Aesthetics of Symmetry (A formula with examples of what makes certain symmetrical designs more pleasing than others)
ArtiFAQ 2100 (Predict how art will influence our lives in the next hundred years... students use available data to make reasonable forecasts for the future)
ArtLex (Dictionary of visual art)
Beauty Matters (An exploration into the human creation of objects of beauty and the nature of beauty itself. Original articles on art, musical aesthetics, fashion, the culture of beauty)
Bridge Aesthetics (CD-ROM to assist engineers with the aesthetic design of bridges)
Cognitive Science and the Arts (Teaching resources in this groundbreaking field)
Erratic Impact Philosophy Research Base - Aesthetics (Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base features thousands of annotated links, text resources and community services for students and teachers in the field of philosophy, including aesthetics)
Hume's Essays on Aesthetics
Introducing Philosophy Through Film (Henry John Pratt)
Kendall Walton's theory of fiction (A film by Nils-Hennes Stear. Subtitled version)
Museum of the Origins of Man (Teaching material including visual resources for teaching paleolithic art)
PedagoNet (Learning resources search engine)


A Psychoanalytic Investigation of Aesthetics by Alexander Stein, New School University
Aesthetics by John Brown
Aesthetics by Dave Vessedy
Aesthetics by William Buscher
Aesthetics by Steven Crowell
Aesthetics by David Clowney
Aesthetics by Sacha Golob
Aesthetics by Margaret Holland
Aesthetics by Marcus Rossberg
Aesthetics by Elmer H. DuncanBaylor University
Aesthetics and Film by Edwin McCann
Aesthetics & Critical Judgement by Andrew Swensen
Aesthetics & The Arts by Dan Flory
Aesthetics: Painting, Photography, and Film by Andreas Teuber
Analytic Philosophy of Architecture by Saul Fisher, Mellon Foundation
Art and Morality by A Graduate Seminar Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston
Art and Subversion by Anna Ezekiel and Shiloh Whitney
Art and the Mind Brain by Mark Rollins
Epistemological Ontological and Ethical Issues in the Arts by James Young
Feminist Aesthetics by Bradley Elicker, Rowan University
Feminist Aesthetics by Beth Dobie, Alfred University
Film and Philosophy by [Null]
From Modernism to Postmodernism by Timothy Quigley, New School for Social Research
Intro to Philosophy of Art by Catherine Homane
Intro to Philosophy of Film by Catherine Homane
Introduction to Philosophy of Art and Literature by James R. Hamilton, Kansas State University
Introduction to Philosophy of Film by Rebecca Hansen
Introduction to Philosophy Through Film by Michiru Nigatsu
Introduction to the Philosohy of art by Timothy R. Quigley
Introudctino to Philosophy Through Literature & Film by John Gibson
Literature and Philosophy by Bob Corbett
Philosophical Ideas in Film by Angela Harper
Philosophy and Aesthetic Value by Heidi Beutow
Philosophy and Film by Dan Flory
Philosophy and Film by Ferit Guven
Philosophy and Film by Casey Haskins
Philosophy and Film by Whitley Kaufman
Philosophy and Film by James Conant and Joel Snyder
Philosophy and Film by Dennis Weiss
Philosophy and Film by Bill Myers
Philosophy and Film by Julie Ward
Philosophy and Film by Matthew Slater
Philosophy and Film by Leonard Kahn
Philosophy and Film by Leigh M. Johnson
Philosophy and Film by Casey Haskins, Purchase College SUNY
Philosophy and Literary Art by Neil Langshaw
Philosophy and Literary Art Forms by Karen Houle
Philosophy and Literary Arts by Joseph Arel
Philosophy and Literature by Susan Levin
Philosophy and Literature by Marek Sojka
Philosophy and Literature by Joshua Landy and Lanier Anderson
Philosophy and Literature by John Holbo
Philosophy and the Arts by Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston
Philosophy and the Arts by Nahum Brown
Philosophy and the Arts by Cyntha A. Freeland
Philosophy Comedy and Film by Christine James
Philosophy in Cinema by Mike Van Quickenborne
Philosophy in Literature by Alexandru Radulescu
Philosophy in Literature by Sara Bernstein
Philosophy in Literature: Lord of the Rings and The Brothers Karamazov by Peter Kreeft
Philosophy of Art by Joshua Johnston
Philosophy of Art by Timothy Freeman
Philosophy of Art by Angela Curran
Philosophy of Art by Elisabeth Camp
Philosophy of Art by William P. Seely
Philosophy of Art by Don Dedrick
Philosophy of Art by Jennifer Warriner
Philosophy of Art by Yoko Arisaka
Philosophy of Art by Stephen Hicks
Philosophy of Art by Karl Clifton-Soderstrom
Philosophy of Art by Julie van Camp, Cal State Lang Branch
Philosophy of Art by Anja Jauernig
Philosophy of Art by Charles Rodger
Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics by Giovanna Borradori
Philosophy of Art and Beauty by Julie Van Camp
Philosophy of Art and Emotions by [Null]
Philosophy of Art and Literature by [Null]
Philosophy of Art/Aesthetics by William Irwin
Philosophy of Arts by Mark Johnson
Philosophy of Beauty by John Brown
Philosophy of Film by Aaron Smuts
Philosophy of Film by [Null]
Philosophy of Film by Otavio Bueno
Philosophy of Film by William Seely
Philosophy of Film by Andrew Light
Philosophy of LIterature by Heather Demarest
Philosophy of Literature by Curtis Brown
Philosophy of Literature by David Sidorsky
Philosophy of the Arts by John Brown
Philosophy of the Arts by Theodore Gracyk
Philosophy Through Film by Don Callen
Philosophy Through Film by Matt Dowd
Philosophy Through Film by Travis Rieder
PhilosophyFilmand Reflective Popular Culture by Mark Wrathall
Philospohy of Art by Laura Newhart
Phlosophy/Art History by Barry Allen
Pictorial and Multimedia Aesthetics by Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam
The Beautiful and the Sublime by Myles Brand and Peg Brand, Indiana University
The Philosophy and Literary Form by Kristin Boyce
What is Beauty by Andy Amato
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Featured Members
Maria Jose Alcaraz-LeonASA Trustee 2018-2021
Anna PakesWinner of the 2021 Selma Jeanne Cohen Prize in Dance Aesthetics

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