A — K
Alison, Aurosa
Aumann, Antony
- Art and Selfhood: A Kierkegaardian Account. (Rowman and Littlefield / Lexington Books, 2019). https://rowman.com
Banka, Rafal
Bartel, Christopher
Bench, Harmony
Bennett, Michael Y.
Bicknell, Jeanette
Bicknell, Jeanette & John Andrew Fisher, eds.
Bicknell, Jeanette, Jennifer Judkins, and Carolyn Korsmeyer, eds.
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder
Boylan, Michael
Brannigan, Erin
Brown, Lee B., David Goldblatt, and Theodore Gracyk
Bustamante, Wendy
- Antigone Uninterrupted: Antigone's Biographical Tale of Learning from Tragic Counsel (Vernon Press, 2020). https://vernonpress.com
Carlson, Licia
- Shared Musical Lives: Philosophy, Disability, and the Power of Sonification (Oxford U.P., 2022). https://global.oup.com
Carvalho, John M.
Cermatori, Joseph.
Clewis, Robert R.
Cochrane, Tom
Dadlez, Eva M.
Davies, Stephen
Di Summa, Laura T.
Dodd, Julian
Gal, Michalle
Gal, Michalle, and Jonathan Ventura.
Gaskell, Ivan
Gerwen, Rob van
Gil, Michael B.
Gilmore, Jonathan
- Apt Imaginings: Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind (Oxford U.P., 2020). https://global.oup.com
Gjesdal, Kristin & Fred Rush and Ingvild Torsen, eds.
Goehr, Lydia.
Gover, K.E.
Gracyk, Theodore
Gregg, Mary
Grewal, Gwenda-Lin
Grootenboer, Hanneke.
Hagberg, Garry L.
Harold, James
Herwitz, Daniel.
Hick, D.H.
Hick, D.H. & Schmücker, R.
Hoelscher, Jason A.
Holt, Jason
Irvin, Sherri
Jarvie, Ian
Jarvie, Ian & Joseph Agassi
Jenkins, Christopher
- Assimilation v. Integration in Music Education: Leading Change Toward Greater Equity
(Routledge, 2023). https://www.routledge.com
Kamhi, Michelle Marder
- Who Says That's Art? A Commonsense View of the Visual Arts (Pro Arte Books, 2014). https://www.amazon.com
- Bucking the Artworld Tide: Reflections on Art, Pseudo Art, Art Education & Theory (Pro Arte Books, 2020). https://www.amazon.com
Kaminsky, David
Kania, Andrew
Gracyk, Theodore & Andrew Kania, eds.
Katrak, Ketu
- Jay Pather, Performance, and Spatial Politics in South Africa (Indiana U.P., 2021). https://iupress.org
Kattner, Elizabeth
- Finding Balanchine's Lost Ballets (University Press of Florida, 2020). https://upf.com
Kenaan, Hagi
Korsmeyer, Carolyn
Kowal, Rebekah J.
- Dancing the World Smaller: Staging Globalism in Mid-Century America (Oxford U.P., 2019). https://global.oup.com
Kulvicki, John
L — Z
Lemberger, Julie, with Elizabeth Zimmer
Maes, Hans
Maes, Hans & Jerrold Levinson, eds.
Mag Uidhir, Christy
Magnus, P.D.
Makkai, Katalin.
Massumi, Brian
Matthes, Erich Hatala.
Meglin, Joellen
Newall, Michael
Nguyen, C. Thi
Noe, Alva.
Omelsky, Matthew.
Pakes, Anna
Penner, Nina
Ragain, Melissa S.
- Domesticating the Invisible: Form and Environmental Anxiety in Postwar America (University of California Press, 2021). https://www.ucpress.edu
Richards, Richard A.
Riggle, Nicholas
Ritter, Julia M.
Roche, Mark William.
Roelofs, Monique
Rose, Sam
Ross, Stephanie
Ruprecht, Lucia
- Gestural Imaginaries: Dance and Cultural Theory in the Early Twentieth Century (Oxford U.P., 2019). https://global.oup.com
Saito, Yuriko
Scolieri, Paul
Sedivy, Sonia
Seeley, William P.
Shaw, Dan
Simecek, Karen.
Simoniti, Vid.
Smith, Murray
Snow, K. Mitchell
- A Revolution in Movement: Dancers, Painters, and the Image of Modern Mexico (University Press of Florida, 2020). https://upf.com/book
Spaid, Sue
Stecker, Robert
Strayer, Jeffrey
- Subjects and Objects: Art, Essentialism, and Abstraction (Brill, 2007). https://brill.com
- Haecceities: Essentialism, Identity, and Abstraction (Brill, 2017) https://brill.com
Strohl, Matthew.
Sweeney, Kevin W.
- The Aesthetics of Food: The Philosophical Debate About What We Eat and Drink (Roman & Littlefield, 2018). https://rowman.com
Taylor, Paul A.
Thomson-Jones, Katherine.
Torres, Louis, and Michelle Marder Kamhi
Trivedi, Saam
Van Camp, Julie and Rebecca L. Farinas, eds.
Wartenberg, Thomas E.
Weiser, Peg Brand, ed.
Weiser, Peg Brand and Carolyn Korsmeyer, co-eds.
West, Martha Ullman
- Tod Bolender, Janet Reed, and the Making of American Ballet (University of Florida Press, 2022). https://upf.com/
Wilder, Ken
Willett, Cynthia
Worth, Sarah.
Xhignesse, Michel-Antoine
Young, James O.
Zuckert, Rachel
ASA Members: Would you like your aesthetics book included? Please send the full publication information and URL to the publisher's page for your book to secretary-treasurer@aesthetics-online.org.